

Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now was an intercultural live performance performed in Bristol (UK), Kampala (Uganda) and Kigali (Rwanda) simultaneously.

Can you imagine if Theresa May had denied Britain access to Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp during the recent election? What would Bristol feel like if only 19% of its residents had access to the internet? A Ugandan teenager can tell you exactly how that feels.

Using digital technology to link remote performance spaces, teenage casts in Bristol, Kampala and Kigali work together to explore their relationship to digital technology. With the help of fibre-optics they attempt to meet and dance between continents.

Commissioned and Produced by MAYK.
Produced in Rwanda by Mashrika Performing Arts.
Produced in Uganda by Theatre Factory.


Lead Artist: Caroline Williams
Assisted by Amanda Fawcett
Creative Technologist: Tim Kindberg
Sound Design: Keir Vine
Lighting Design: Jake Channon
Movement: Jonathan Goddard

Devised and created in Bristol by: Zach Bernham, Katharine Church, Josh Liew, Ben Norton, Carmel Sandom- Brown, Alfie Skinner, Fred Stewart, Talitha Wade and Jess Wray.

Devised and created in Kigali by: Niyonkuru Dighad, Umohoza Amina, Tuyikunde Joel, Katangaila Lucas, Denise Nouraini, Sylla Dandberg, DennisKarenzi, Rwangasana Yvonne, King Kivumbi and James Mutanda.

Devised and created in Kampala by: Maudrine Nabimanya, Hilda Awori, Isma Ssemuju and Sarafina Muhawenimana.

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