

  • Mudlarks International Complicité residency

    Lovely to get my hands on this special object produced by @complicitetheatre and to see my words from the Mudlarks International residency so beautifully laid out. If this is the quality of their newsletter then what other magic must they be capable of? 🙌🏻 Photos by Camilla Adams Full text:…


    Hello! If you are reading this it is because you, like me, use a mobility scooter. I call mine Penelope Cruizer. 🙂 Most days I love her. Other days… well like with most relationships, it’s complicated. I am an artist based in Bristol and I am making a short film…


    *** CALL OUT TO TAKE PART *** Hello lovely people. If you have arrived here and you too are a Covid Long-hauler then I salute you! I know how lonely and hard this journey can be and so I’m happy to share an invitation with you to be part of…

  • The Stillness Shall Be the Dancing

      It’s the 20th of February 2021 and I just tried to walk around the block. I made it one side of the square, perhaps two, if you count the slow head-bowed retreat to our front door.   After eleven months of illness, you’d hope that the invisible line that…

  • A break up letter to Covid 19

    Dear C, I know that you’ve been busy and that you’ve put quite a bit of energy into what you do best. I can’t bring myself to read about how many people weren’t able to fight you off and sometimes I feel guilty for not honouring the names and faces…

  • Leverhulme Reading List

    I asked fifteen performance makers (and two sculptors) I admire to suggest one book about being this thing called an artist. I am taking their recommendation into my year of Leverhulme endorsed reading and thinking time. There are so many good books in the world that choosing one was tough…

  • When For Britain marches outside your show which is on at a Quaker’s Meeting House  

        The producer of Jabberwocky Market, Caroline Pearce has organised for DAR, Darlington Assistance for Refugees, to be at the end of every showing of Now Is The Time To Say Nothing, offering tea, cakes and a chat about how to help with local refugee support in the area.…

  • IETM Munich

    IETM Munich 2018 The main provocation of this meeting was: Res Publica Europa. In IETM’s words: ‘IETM Munich will take a fresh look at the idea of Europe. Is it a cultural entity? A geographical one?  What does the EU’s motto “United in Diversity” mean today, in the age of…

  • Time in Canada at Directors Lab North

    Thanks to The British Council for sending me off to Canada to take part in the Director’s Lab North in Toronto. It was an oddly important trip. Some thoughts which might get close to why below.   TORONTO – Director’s Lab North   I remember a very large black squirrel…

  • To Harvey Weinstein

    The first time I felt the disorientating sting of sexism within the entertainment industry was not from a man but from a woman. My first professional audition was for a film. A good one. I’m twenty and acting is all I want to do. I stayed in character on the…

  • Drax

    In June 2008 twenty nine people stopped a coal train heading for Drax Power station. In 2009 all involved were found guilty of obstructing a railway after being disallowed to run a necessity defence which argued the burning of coal contributed to irreversible and fatal changes in our climate. In…

  • Now Is The Time To Say Nothing @ The Young Vic

    Interview with Verity Healey of Ministry of Counterculture  – What drew you to making a piece about Syria’s civil war and its people, for Taking Part? – Simple answer is that I was asked to. I was nervous about saying yes as I don’t speak Arabic and I have never…

  • Ten things I remember from a trip to Paris

    Ten things I remember about Paris (whilst still in Paris in the cafe of the Pompidou) where they won’t take card for under fifteen euros; I am not buying anything. 1. Le Corbusier did not build the Pompidou. 2. My French is bad and so the way to remember the…

  • Review of Puffball Goes Solo in Exeunt Magazine

    Puffball at The Yard Theatre 24th-28th September 2013 Reviewed by Catherine Love Caroline Williams is inundated with owl paraphernalia. Bags, cushions, figurines stuffed with stale potpourri. Owl faces peer out from all corners of the stage, eyes wide and unblinking, feathers a variety of colours. All that’s missing is a…

  • Puffball

    So we finally did it. It is a very strange thing to walk into the shoes of a performer who you’ve enjoyed watching closely for so many hours. It was a large leap to make and a scary one, to admit maybe there was a braver way of doing this…

  • Pissing into the wind: Duchamp’s ‘Fountain’

    The Bride and The Bachelors: Duchamp with Cage, Cunningham, Rauschenberg and Johns Mise en scène by Philippe Parreno The Barbican Art Gallery 14 February 2013 – 9 June 2013 There is something particularly funereal in looking at Duchamp’s urinal, or rather one of its dozen 60s replicas now placed reverently…

  • Sylvia Plath

    As part of the South Bank festival on Sylvia Plath I was asked to write a little bit about my first response to her poems. We all heard about ‘ the oven’- haunted by it even. An iconic image of what exactly? A bright woman at the end of her…

  • The Indulgent Self- challenges within autobiographical work

    Session at Devoted and Disgruntled A Live Art Development agency DIY workshop given by Nigel Barrett and Louise Mari in 2012 ‘ aimed to investigate when the use of self as one’s material becomes indulgent, therapy inflicted on the public, or simply uninteresting to anyone else except the artist themselves.’…

  • Meet Puffball

    Puffball is afraid. He doesn’t know where he is. He’d never seen a person before Tuesday morning. His little wing was yanked a little far to the left when he was picked up and it’s sore. He nuzzles it with his beak but the pain is dull and aching and…

  • Ich bin ein, no thanks

    The three days up in the clouds at Platform showed me a lot about this little show of mine. I went out into the streets of Bristol armed with a dictaphone and a camera. I wanted to throw myself into a city and to take from it anything I could.…