

  • Leverhulme Reading List

    I asked fifteen performance makers (and two sculptors) I admire to suggest one book about being this thing called an artist. I am taking their recommendation into my year of Leverhulme endorsed reading and thinking time. There are so many good books in the world that choosing one was tough for most people, so here’s a wonderfully long list for

  • When For Britain marches outside your show which is on at a Quaker’s Meeting House  

        The producer of Jabberwocky Market, Caroline Pearce has organised for DAR, Darlington Assistance for Refugees, to be at the end of every showing of Now Is The Time To Say Nothing, offering tea, cakes and a chat about how to help with local refugee support in the area. It is almost the perfect blueprint for how I wanted

  • IETM Munich

    IETM Munich 2018 The main provocation of this meeting was: Res Publica Europa. In IETM’s words: ‘IETM Munich will take a fresh look at the idea of Europe. Is it a cultural entity? A geographical one?  What does the EU’s motto “United in Diversity” mean today, in the age of agendas driven by economics and eurosceptic tendencies? Is it a

  • Time in Canada at Directors Lab North

    Thanks to The British Council for sending me off to Canada to take part in the Director’s Lab North in Toronto. It was an oddly important trip. Some thoughts which might get close to why below.   TORONTO – Director’s Lab North   I remember a very large black squirrel that looked much harder and wilder than an English squirrel.

  • Pervasive Media Studios residency

    Move to Bristol now feels complete with having joined the brilliant   Pervasive Media Studios. I couldn’t have chosen a better home for exploring what I do, alongside some amazing artists.