- Jun152014
Now Is The Time To Say Nothing @ The Young Vic
Interview with Verity Healey of Ministry of Counterculture – What drew you to making a piece about Syria’s civil war and its people, for Taking Part? – Simple answer is that I was asked to. I was nervous about saying yes as I don’t speak Arabic and I have never been to Syria.I spoke to a wonderful Egyptian friend who
caroline - Dec062013
Ten things I remember from a trip to Paris
Ten things I remember about Paris (whilst still in Paris in the cafe of the Pompidou) where they won’t take card for under fifteen euros; I am not buying anything. 1. Le Corbusier did not build the Pompidou. 2. My French is bad and so the way to remember the famous grave yard in Paris is to think of a
caroline - Nov122013
Review of Puffball Goes Solo in Exeunt Magazine
Puffball at The Yard Theatre 24th-28th September 2013 Reviewed by Catherine Love Caroline Williams is inundated with owl paraphernalia. Bags, cushions, figurines stuffed with stale potpourri. Owl faces peer out from all corners of the stage, eyes wide and unblinking, feathers a variety of colours. All that’s missing is a link to a YouTube video and the hashtag “cute”. But